Шведските власти конфискувахa български кораб, за който се предполага, че е повредил оптичен кабел по дъното на Балтийско море.
Според шведския вестник "Експресен" задържаният плавателен съд...
„гласът на българската морска индустрия“ отново мълчи, защото каквото и да каже, звучи като глас на Путин
A spokesperson from Sweden’s Meteorological and Hydrological Institute said there were winds of about 8-10 metres per second outside Gotland in the early hours of Sunday.
“That’s not very strong wind. It’s well below the 14 metres per second that is the threshold for a gale warning,” the spokesperson told Reuters, adding that waves were not very high either.
“I don’t believe in coincidences when it comes to frequent cases of damage to underwater infrastructure in the Baltic Sea,” Estonia’s Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said in a post on social media X after the latest cable rupture.
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