Fantastic, just fantastic.
Fantastic, just fantastic.
I feel like AI is the antithesis of notepad, conceptually.
edit: antithesis, not activities. Thanks, autocorrect, for rendering my comment nonsensical.
I haven’t used Windows for years, so I can’t say what it is now, but it used to be great for note taking (as you might guess) and basic text editing. Basically anything that didn’t require any formatting. In fact, I used to use it to remove formatting from text during copy and paste back before “paste without formatting” was an option.
If you were making a joke and I was oblivious, I apologize.
Does Windows no longer have notepad?
That’s not a bad suggestion, but may interfere with 24 hour clocks.
That is confusing. “PM” is “post meridian” or, as I understand it, after the middle. One would think it wouldn’t be PM until 12:01 or at least 12:00:01.
Which is why I, as you said, use “noon” and “midnight.”
I think it depends on what you’re trying to do (with the versions of notepad I’ve used). It’s great for just putting a bunch of text in a file. If you want to do literally anything else, it sucks, but it serves its purpose well.
I’d rather use vim for the most part, but if I have to take notes in Windows, notepad was my go-to.