Raccoons can climb sheer walls. Anything they can grip with their claws, they can climb.
Raccoons can climb sheer walls. Anything they can grip with their claws, they can climb.
They are cute, but they’re just bloodthisty toddler-sized hobos. They prey on small dogs and cats or fight them for territory, they eat chickens, they destroy fucking everything, and they can carry and spread rabies. They will rip up plants, tear siding off your house, pull up paving stones, and even break windows. Just imagine a hostile drifter on your property trying to fuck it up as hard as possible out of spite for you, and that’s about right.
That’s almost as much fun as Davy pointlessly waffling between alumium, aluminum, and aluminium till we once again ended up with people who speak the same language using different terms.
Well, we know whose pocket that medical examiner is in
It’s very common for continental European houses to have lap siding of some kind. Homes built according to modern trends are not the only kind of home there is.