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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I used to get a lot of scrappers hitting my Lemmy instance, most of them using a bunch of IP ranges, some of them masquerading their user agents as a regular browser.

    What’s been working for me is using a custom nginx log format with a custom fail2ban filter that mets me easily block new bots once I identify some kind of signature.

    For instance, one of these scrappers almost always sends requests that are around 250 bytes long, using the user agent of a legitimate browser that always sends requests that are 300 bytes or larger. I can then add a fail2ban jail that triggers on seeing this specific user agent with the wrong request size.

    On top of this, I wrote a simple script that monitors my fail2ban logs and writes CIDR ranges that appear too often (the threshold is proportional to 1.5^(32-subnet_mask)). This file is then parsed by fail2ban to block whole ranges. There are some specific details I omitted regarding bantime and findtime, that ensure that a small malicious range will not be able to trick me into blocking a larger one. This has worked flawlessly to block “hostile” ranges with apparently 0 false positives for nearly a year