Years ago I did a UX study on Lemmy’s frontend, and tbh not much has changed since. Things like when editing a thread, the Save button is multiple proximity separators apart from the text you’re editing, making it very easy to missclick cancel. Or in the community search, you can’t search on specific instances that aren’t yours.
I’ve gotten very used to the UI over time but it definitely needs a “pain point” passover
Hopefully people start posting in niche communities!
(But not the Taylor Swift armpit one)
I had a native Korean translate it and my comment was basically their reaction
The notes also call the drone a non-human device. Imagine that’s your best description… Feelsbadman
Lots of criticisms but still really cool. I’d love to see one to scale as well (for width and depth)
Happened to Lemmy 2 years ago, but there’s still more than enough of you ladies and gents to keep it as my only social media app :)