Dig the oh shit wipeout. Dude went down with soiled britches
Dig the oh shit wipeout. Dude went down with soiled britches
Ah cool thanks for adding. Yea some channels make posts of text and images and they show up in the community tab of the channel. Only crediting them as that’s how I saw it, not as originator of the art
Holy crap that’s what they were celebrating and the hunchback was crowned the king!
Sorry OP, but someone just shit on a map lol what a mess
If it works don’t fix it 😂
The Terminator
Then he can fall out a window
Awaiting orders
video embedded and linked so no one has to give X traffic (Pravda story gives the video as a link to X)
Now someone should put that on a USB stick on a balloon to NK
Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn https://youtu.be/F7OvPTmhtiY
In the end, we really are all just the Brady Bunch