Düwag GT6 Be 4/6 (31):
Production year: 1967.
Total vehicles: 8
Garage numbers: 2603, 2605, 2611, 2613, 2615, 2618, 2620, 2622
Production year: 1972.
Total vehicles: 23
Garage numbers:2123, 2133, 2135, 2143, 2625, 2626, 2629, 2630, 2632, 2634, 2639, 2640, 2644, 2646, 2647, 2649, 2650, 2651, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2658
Combined with trailers: 2123+1448, 2133+1440, 2135+1475, 2143+1429, 2603+1425, 2611+1431, 2615+1447, 2620+1445, 2625+1441, 2626+1473, 2629+1474, 2632+1444, 2634+1405, 2639+1476, 2640+1449, 2644+1495, 2647+1472, 2650+1484, 2651+1494, 2652+1479, 2653+1477, 2655+1471.
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Those are some wobbly walls.